FREE Goal Setting and Visualisation Seminar
A Fun, Practical and Informative Workshop, not to be missed!
Would you like to....
1. Achieve your Goals both short and long term
2. Control anxiety and stress
3. Boost your confidence
4. Control your emotions
5. Improve your general mental health
You will learn how to:
- Use visualisation to break down your goals into manageable pieces
- Use visualisation to overcome self doubt and believe that YOU CAN!
- Use visualisation to overcome setbacks
Visualisation is your secret tool for success and I will teach you how to use it!

Where ?
1st Floor offices, CPPC
When ?
Tuesday 12th Nov 6.45 for a 7pm Start (90mim)
FREE to members (non members £10)
Book below
You'll find the Nicest people at Challenge Gym!
Gym Inductions
Members aged 15-16yrs (Year 11) require a mandatory Induction. This costs £20 with one of our PT's - You will need to book and pay the PT directly.
PT Charlottes number is 07432157250 Please book with her after joining.
Inductions go in-depth into our equipment to benefit the member and their goals.
Members over 16 do not require an induction, but it is highly recommended,
they may want to have a refresher and learn how to use some of our more complex machines.
If you are inexperienced, we recommend booking with one of our Personal Trainers.