Healthy Mind Center
Business - Sports - Personal

Wayne coaches people how to get the best from their minds. From overcoming Anxiety, to reducing Stress and beating Depression.
Wayne also works with Business Teams to improve their communication, improve team dynamics and reduce team stress.
Top Tip of the Week - Negative Language? Stop it!
I really like the statement (pictured) from the great Bruce Lee. If we say negative things about ourselves, you've hear it, such as "I'm unless, I'm stupid, FML! its always happens to me! etc, etc. You begin to believe it. Using negative language is like self hypnosis, you begin to feel and believe it.
The next time you find yourself saying something negative about yourself, say "Cancel Cancel" and immediately think of something you really like. Do this every-time and the habit will begin to disappear - Wayne

Everyone can benefit from Therapy or Coaching
Yes, even you perhaps?
At times, we can all hit the wall, not know what to do, where to go or how to resolve what is going on with us. By coaching with Wayne, we will look at what issues and triggers you have.
Us humans, at heart, like to and need to collaborate, but for one reason or another, we forget to. Coaching brings back healthy collaboration, where in this case 2 people i.e. you and the coach (me), now have the same goal, which is to help you through this challenging period, whatever it may be.
Call, text or Whattsapp me on 07973210309
Email wayne@wayne-vincent.co.uk
Master Practitioner of NLP (Diploma) Richard Bandler - Co Founder NLP NLP is the practice of understanding how people organise their thinking, feeling, language and behaviour to produce the results they do.
NLP provides people with a methodology to model outstanding performances achieved by geniuses and leaders in their field. NLP is also used for personal development and for success in business
A key element of NLP is that we all form our unique internal mental maps of the world as a product of the way we filter and perceive information absorbed through our five senses from the world around us.
I am proud to have been certified as a Master NLP Practitioner, by the Co founder of NLP Dr Richard Bandler.
Psychometric Testing Practitioner (Diploma) Insights Discovery
Wayne Vincent Consulting Specialises in providing psychometric analysis to small businesses, start-ups and individuals and can also assist recruitment companies looking to add personality profiling to their service offering.
I am Certified by UK-based Insights which has been helping big businesses such as Microsoft, British Airways and thousands more to develop their staff for more than two decades.
Their methods are simple but deeply insightful, and the results have immediate impact and can enable positive, lasting change within any organisation.
Timeline Therapist (Diploma)
HIGHLY effective and painless.
Timeline therapy is a mild form of hypnosis, where the client talks about, for instance an unresolved event from the past, an event that he or she keeps replaying, I use a technique of looking at the event from a great distance so not to associate to it or bring back any of the negative emotions from it, then over a period of just a few minutes, all the negative emotions disappear, leaving a neutral feeling when thinking about the event. Some say its almost miraculous how their perception of an event can disappear.
Nlp Coaching Certificate
Coaching using techniques of Nlp speeds up the process of making gains and achieving outcomes, it a more holistic and organic way of coaching that becomes a collaboration between the coach and client.
Silva Method Graduate
Jose Silva is the creator of this self-help program. It teaches guided imagery methods to help people eliminate negative thoughts by rewiring their subconscious minds. It is well-known for assisting people in realizing their full potential and achieving their objectives.
This method is taught in workshops in over 129 countries. This type of meditation is known to boost one’s self-esteem and encourage positive thinking as well. It proposes that relaxation and cognitive development lead to a feeling of individual well-being. Keep reading to learn more about this method of meditation!
Expert Level Krav Maga Martial Arts Instructor
One of the first Uk instructors, Qualified in 1997